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Friday, December 18, 2009

Conditioning the Mind

 Learn How To Condition The Most Important 'Muscle' Of All... Your MIND!

"Whether or not you believe you can do a thing, you are right".
Those are the famous words of Henry Ford.

He was right.

If there's one thing I've learned through my own personal bodybuilding experience and in all of the years I've spent helping others reach their goals, that would be it.

I've learned that if you truly believe you can accomplish something... if you believe in yourself and in your ability to succeed... if you want it badly enough... then nothing and no one can stop you.

I've learned that if you fully believe that you can achieve a certain goal, and you truly want it, it's yours for the taking.

I've learned that building an impressive, muscular physique is ultimately an inner battle that is only won by those who possess a strong, positive mindset.

And the final thing that I've learned in my interactions with thousands of aspiring gym trainees from all over the world is that the majority of people do NOT possess the type of mindset that is necessary for muscle-building success to be had.

Most people have conditioned themselves to think negatively and have unintentionally "pre-programmed" themselves for failure. They've bombarded their subconscious mind with self-defeating statements and limitations, and this negative way of thinking dramatically decreases their chances of ever attaining the body they desire.

The world is full of people with unrealized potential.

It is filled with people who are stuck in the middle, living lives of mediocrity and never moving forward and turning their deep-down desires into reality. And the reason for this is that most people simply possess a weak mindset.

Here's the thing... If you don't believe you can achieve the body that you desire, then you WON'T achieve it. If you don't know how to get yourself motivated and stay motivated, you're virtually guaranteed to fail.
There are many powerful ways to condition your mind for success, and in this lesson I'm going to share one of my favourite ways.

We'll be taking a look at the process of Visualization and Verbalization, and how you can use these techniques to your advantage. This isn't science fiction fairytale fluff either... this is real-life stuff that has been proven to produce real, positive muscle-building results.

If you simply brush this procedure off and believe that it won't help you, you are sadly mistaken. Visualization and verbalization are two of the most widely used motivational techniques around and are utilized by virtually all of the top success coaches in the world.

You cannot embark on a journey that has no clear destination! So create that destination.

But more than simply creating that destination, you must truly believe that you will get there.
You must have faith in yourself, in your inner-strength and in your ability to succeed. If you do not truly believe with every fiber of your being that these goals you have envisioned can and will be attained, then you aren't ready to try and reach them.

Above and beyond simply believing is knowing.

You must let go of all doubts, inhibitions and fears and simply say to yourself, "I know I can do this."
And the truth is that you really, really can. The only thing that could possibly stop you is you yourself.

All of the tools that you need to achieve your goals are already present within you. All you need to do is to tap into those tools and put them to use.

Let go of your limits, and hold on to the belief that you can achieve anything you want.
And if you really, truly and fully believe this, anything is possible.

If you're ready to take a stand and finally achieve the powerful, muscular body that you deserve, then it's time to take action, right here, right now. It's time to put the excuses aside, get to work and start turning that ripped body you've been dreaming about into a reality.

This is it. The choice is yours.

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